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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Hints & Cheats

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Boxshot

Cheat Codes

  1. Console Commands

    Hit "~" to bring up the command prompt and then type the code
    tclToggle collision
    tfcFreeflying camera
    tmToggle menus (HUD)
    tmm 1/0Show/hide all map markers 1=show 0=hide
    TGMGod mode
    player.additem [ItemNumber] #Give player item (i.e. gold is 0000000f, lockpicks are 0000000a)
    showracemenuShow Race Menu
    ResurrectResurrects targeted dead
    tfowToggle FOW
    KillKill enemy (Must select with arrow first)
    psbAll Spells
    help keyword #Search by the keyword, the number is what mode to search by. Modes are listed by help every time you use it.
    player.setav Health #Set health
    player.setav Stamina #Set Stamina
    player.setav Magicka #Set Magicka
    saqstarts all quests, *NOT RECOMMENDED!*
    qqqquits the game instantly
    advskill <skill> #Advances the targeted skill by xxx amount
    unlockUnlocks anything that may be locked by typing unlock then clicking the chest or door you want unlocked then press enter
    player.setlevel #Set Player Level
    player.modav carryweight #Set Carry Weight
    AdvancePCSkill (skillname) #Add levels to your skills
    AdvancePCLevelIncrease your Level
    player.modav burden #Increase Burden by #
    player.setscale #Change scale of player; 1 is normal
    SetownershipChanges ownership of target so you can safely take without stealing
    COC <location>Fast travel to location, e.g. coc Rivertown
    removeallitemsRemoves all items of selected NPC
    player.setav speedmult Xincreases movement speed where X is a percentage multiplier (eg. player.setav speedmult 250)
    player.placeatme XSpawns an NPC at your location. (Replace X with NPC ID)
    killallKills all hostiles in your immediate vicinity
    lock XYou can lock chests and door, or people by targeting them and typing "lock" followed by the level of difficulty you wish to set it at.
    movetoqtteleports you to quest target
    TDetectToggle AI Detection (You can steal all you want and no one will see you, doesn't work with pickpocketing)
    player.setcrimegold XSet it high if you want to fight, set it at 0 if you want to be free.
    TCAIToggle Combat Artificial Intelligence (same as TAI; however only makes the NPC not being able to combat)
    TAIToggle Artificial Intelligence (freezes npc, they can't walk, move, or anything.)
    Player.IncPCS [Skill Name]Will increase the level of a skill by one.
    Player.modav Dragonsouls #Adds dragon's souls to your pool, allowing you to improve your shouts.
    enableplayercontrolsThis command is used to enable controls during cinematics when they're disabled. Occasionally the game will glitch, instead of reloading put in this c
    caqsComplete all Quest Stages
    fov xAdjust field of view (insert fov value as x )
    coc qasmokeThis brings you to the testing hall with all items in the game. Be careful as opening enchanted armor and weapons cabinets may cause your game to crash
    duplicateallitemsDuplicate items (click container\NPC and copy the RefID)
    setpcfameSet character's fame.
    setpcinfamySet character's infamy.
    helplist all commands in console
    TGToggle Grass
    player.addperk ########Add perk (ie Light fingers is 00018E6A)
    SexChangeChanges your gender
    help "NPC Name" 4Gives the ID for the companion or NPC
    setessential <ID> 1Sets the NPC corresponding to the ID essential
    player.setav *skillname* #Sets skill to # level without leveling character.
    STR #Sets the refractive value of the target. 0.0= normal, 0.000001= invisible,1.0 = full refraction
    playerenchantobject <object ID> <MGEF ID #1> <MGEF ID #2>Add an item to your inventory with 1-2 enchantments of your choice. Magnitude based on enchanting skill, 100=100%.
    player.resethealthRestores the player's HP to Full
    resethealthRestores targetted NPC's HP to Full
    resetinventoryReset NPC to original inventory.
    saves game with "name of file"savegame [name of file]
    markfordeleteRemoves selected object from your game


  1. Infinite Arrows

    If you pickpocket someone who shoots target dummies with arrows and take whatever arrows they were using (usually iron or steel) and give them 1 of the arrow type you want infinite of, they will shoot that type of arrow instead. Just collect them as they hit the dummy and you can build up a nice stockpile.


  1. Free Archery Skill

    Visit Faendal at riverwood, he's a wood elf that usually stands by the mill. 1) Ask him to follow you.
    2) Then ask him to train your archery. (Have some gold around at least to make your first purchase of training)
    3) Ask to borrow something and take his gold. It's not considered stealing.
    4) Repeat 2 and 3 infinity times.
    NOTE: You can only level archery 5 times per level, but you level up slightly every time your archery skill goes up.
    NOTE: This will work with any trainer who can also be a follower.
  2. Restock any merchant instantly.

    Follow the steps to instantly refresh the merchant's stock and gold: 1) Choose a merchant 2) Sell or buy anything 3) Save your game 4) Kill the merchant 5) Load the game
  3. Armor Duplication

    Using the armor stand in your house in Solitude, place any piece of apparel on the mannequin then immediately take it back before exiting the menu. Leave your house and then go back in, the armor should appear on the mannequin and will still be in your inventory.
  4. Use the sneak roll without the perk

    To do this activate sneak mode and hold the sprint button, then double tap the ready/sheath button while moving forward to execute to forward roll. If you do this while moving sideways, you instead do a hop in that direction.


Steam Achievements

Find 13 standing stonesStanding Stones
Pick 50 locks and 50 pocketsThief
Learn 20 shoutsThu'um Master
Read 50 skill booksReader
Returned the Thieves Guild to its former gloryOne with the Shadows
Collect 15 daedric artifactsOblivion Walker
Bounty of 1000 gold in all nine holdsMaster Criminal
Reach level 50Master
Complete "hail sithis!"Hail Sithis!
Complete "Dragonslayer"Dragonslayer
Absorb 20 dragon soulsDragon Hunter
Clear 50 dungeonsDelver
Complete "darkness returns"Darkness Returns
Complete "bound until death"Bound Until Death
Complete "the fallen"The Fallen
Get a skill to 100Skill Master
Complete 10 side questsSideways
Get marriedMarried
Complete 50 misc objectivesHero of the People
Capture Solitude or WindhelmHero of Skyrim
Complete "Glory of the Dead"Glory of the Dead
Discover 100 LocationsExplorer
Reach level 25Expert
Complete "elder knowledge"Elder Knowledge
Capture Fort Sungard or Fort GreenwallWar Hero
Successfully persuade, bribe, and intimidateSnake Tongue
Escape from jailWanted
Complete "The Eye of Magnus"The Eye of Magnus
Join the Dark BrotherhoodWith Friends Like These…
Complete "Revealing the Unseen"Revealing the Unseen
Complete "Alduin's Wall"Alduin's Wall
Join the Stormcloaks or the Imperial ArmyTaking Sides
Join the Thieves GuildTaking Care of Business
Have 100,000 goldGolden Touch
Acquire a Daedric ArtifactDaedric Influence
Become a member of the CircleBlood Oath
Complete "diplomatic immunity"Diplomatic Immunity
Chop wood, mine ore, and cook foodHard Worker
Join the College of WinterholdGatekeeper
Make a smithed item, an enchanted item, and a potionArtificer
Buy a houseCitizen
Learn all three words of a shoutWords of Power
Reach level 10Adept
Join the CompanionsTake Up Arms
Complete "The Way of the Voice"The Way of the Voice
Absorb a dragon soulDragon Soul
Complete "bleak falls barrow"Bleak Falls Barrow
Reach level 5Apprentice
Select a Standing Stone blessingBlessed
Complete "Unbound"Unbound

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